Is it just me or does every male member of a professional sports association has got cute babyitis? I was watching Part III: The Black Man of CNN's Black in America the other night and when Michael Eric Dyson touched upon colorism in within the Black community. When I came across these pictures I knew colorism was alive, well and feasting in Hollywood. Seems like all the men in the NBA, NFL and in Hollywood have "Cute Baby-itis," I guess the figured that if they marry light skin women their children will be cute; (
Light skin and curly hair don't make your baby cute!)

Former baller Mark and Desiree Jackson

Actor Terry and Rebecca Crews

LA Lakers baller Brian and Nikki Shaw

Miami Heat baller Ricky Davis and Vanessa Ramierz

Golden Gate Warriors Chis Webber and Ericka Dates

Former NBA baller Kenny and Gwendolyn Smith
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