These days Nick Cannon is looking like a Steve Harvey knock off with his loud suits. He might call it dapper and daring but I call it tacky and ugly. I find it hard to believe Ms. Carey has given him a makeover.

This dude is ridiculous. First, men cannot get away with no pants in public. Second, obviously, homeboy is suffering from denial... he's a size 13 shoe and wedged his feet in a size 11 shoe. Whoever started this terrible bottomless trend needs to end it pronto!

Actually, I love Monique Coleman's natural hair and the outfit is okay considering this is MTV Movie Awards.

Lady Gaga aka the "bottomless queen" sported her edgy attire at a 102.7 event. It's a bit too couture for me.

She's back... the Lip Gloss Queen showed up at the MTV Movie Awards looking like a hot mess with that two tone weave. Actually, this is probably the best Lil' Mama has ever looked. Kudos to you, hun! You tried!